A single-input variant of ST_Union
A single-input variant of ST_Union
Unions the input geometries, merging geometry to produce a result geometry with no overlaps
Returns a geometry representing the portions of geonetries A and B that do not intersect
Divides geometry into parts using rectilinear lines, until each part can be represented using no more than max_vertices
The function supports splitting a line by a (multi)point, (multi)line or (multi)polygon boundary, or a (multi)polygon by line
Returns a (Multi)LineString representing the fully noded version of a collection of linestrings
Aggregate function which unions geometry in a memory-efficent but slower way
Returns a geometry representing the point-set intersection of two geometries
Returns a geometry representing the part of geometry A that does not intersect geometry B
Clips a geometry by a 2D box in a fast and tolerant but possibly invalid way