Returns a bit mask indicating which GROUP BY expressions are not included in the current grouping set. Bits are assigned with the rightmost argument corresponding to the least-significant bit; each bit is 0 if the corresponding expression is included in the grouping criteria of the grouping set generating the current result row, and 1 if it is not included.

SQL Syntax

GROUPING ( expr [, expr, ...] )


Grouping sets items.

Return Type


SQL Examples

select a, b, grouping(a), grouping(b), grouping(a,b), grouping(b,a) from t group by grouping sets ((a,b),(a),(b), ()) ;
| a    | b    | grouping(a) | grouping(b) | grouping(a, b) | grouping(b, a) |
| NULL | A    |           1 |           0 |              2 |              1 |
| a    | NULL |           0 |           1 |              1 |              2 |
| b    | A    |           0 |           0 |              0 |              0 |
| NULL | NULL |           1 |           1 |              3 |              3 |
| a    | A    |           0 |           0 |              0 |              0 |
| b    | B    |           0 |           0 |              0 |              0 |
| b    | NULL |           0 |           1 |              1 |              2 |
| a    | B    |           0 |           0 |              0 |              0 |
| NULL | B    |           1 |           0 |              2 |              1 |