Returns the grid distance between the the given two H3 indexes.
Note: H3 distance calculations can only calculate distances between hexes that are neighbors. Trying to use this with non-neighbor hexes will error.
Analyze Syntax
func.h3_distance(h3, a_h3)
Analyze Examples
func.h3_distance(599119489002373119, 599119491149856767)
│ func.h3_distance(599119489002373119, 599119491149856767) │
│ 1 │
SQL Syntax
H3_DISTANCE(h3, a_h3)
SQL Examples
SELECT H3_DISTANCE(599119489002373119, 599119491149856767);
│ h3_distance(599119489002373119, 599119491149856767) │
│ 1 │