Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions are essential tools in SQL that allow you to perform calculations on a set of values and return a single result.
These functions help you extract and summarize data from databases to gain valuable insights.
Function Name | What It Does |
ANY | Checks if any row meets the specified condition |
APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT | Estimates the number of distinct values with HyperLogLog |
ARG_MAX | Finds the arg value for the maximum val value |
ARG_MIN | Finds the arg value for the minimum val value |
AVG_IF | Calculates the average for rows meeting a condition |
ARRAY_AGG | Converts all the values of a column to an Array |
AVG | Calculates the average value of a specific column |
COUNT_DISTINCT | Counts the number of distinct values in a column |
COUNT_IF | Counts rows meeting a specified condition |
COUNT | Counts the number of rows that meet certain criteria |
COVAR_POP | Returns the population covariance of a set of number pairs |
COVAR_SAMP | Returns the sample covariance of a set of number pairs |
GROUP_ARRAY_MOVING_AVG | Returns an array with elements calculates the moving average of input values |
GROUP_ARRAY_MOVING_SUM | Returns an array with elements calculates the moving sum of input values |
KURTOSIS | Calculates the excess kurtosis of a set of values |
MAX_IF | Finds the maximum value for rows meeting a condition |
MAX | Finds the largest value in a specific column |
MEDIAN | Calculates the median value of a specific column |
MEDIAN_TDIGEST | Calculates the median value of a specific column using t-digest algorithm |
MIN_IF | Finds the minimum value for rows meeting a condition |
MIN | Finds the smallest value in a specific column |
QUANTILE_CONT | Calculates the interpolated quantile for a specific column |
QUANTILE_DISC | Calculates the quantile for a specific column |
QUANTILE_TDIGEST | Calculates the quantile using t-digest algorithm |
QUANTILE_TDIGEST_WEIGHTED | Calculates the quantile with weighted using t-digest algorithm |
RETENTION | Calculates retention for a set of events |
SKEWNESS | Calculates the skewness of a set of values |
STDDEV_POP | Calculates the population standard deviation of a column |
STDDEV_SAMP | Calculates the sample standard deviation of a column |
STRING_AGG | Converts all the non-NULL values to String, separated by the delimiter |
SUM_IF | Adds up the values meeting a condition of a specific column |
SUM | Adds up the values of a specific column |
WINDOW_FUNNEL | Analyzes user behavior in a time-ordered sequence of events |
Funnel Analysis