import FunctionDescription from '@site/src/components/FunctionDescription';

Splits a string using a specified delimiter and returns the resulting parts as an array.

See also: SPLIT_PART

Analyze Syntax

func.split('<input_string>', '<delimiter>')

Analyze Examples

func.split('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', ' ')
| func.split('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', ' ') |
| ['PlaidCloud Lakehouse']          |

SQL Syntax

SPLIT('<input_string>', '<delimiter>')

Return Type

Array of strings. SPLIT returns NULL when either the input string or the delimiter is NULL.

SQL Examples

-- Use a space as the delimiter
-- SPLIT returns an array with two parts.
SELECT SPLIT('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', ' ');

split('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', ' ')|
['PlaidCloud','Lakehouse']        |

-- Use an empty string as the delimiter or a delimiter that does not exist in the input string
-- SPLIT returns an array containing the entire input string as a single part.
SELECT SPLIT('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', '');

split('databend cloud', '')|
['PlaidCloud Lakehouse']    |

SELECT SPLIT('PlaidCloud Lakehouse', ',');

split('databend cloud', ',')|
['PlaidCloud Lakehouse']    |

-- Use '	' (tab) as the delimiter
-- SPLIT returns an array with timestamp, log level, and message.

SELECT SPLIT('2023-10-19 15:30:45	INFO	Log message goes here', '	');

split('2023-10-19 15:30:45\tinfo\tlog message goes here', '\t')|
['2023-10-19 15:30:45','INFO','Log message goes here']         |