Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression is an error value.

See also: IS_NOT_ERROR

Analyze Syntax

func.is_error( <expr> )

Analyze Examples

# Indicates division by zero, hence an error
func.is_error((1 / 0)), func.is_not_error((1 / 0))

 func.is_error((1 / 0))  func.is_not_error((1 / 0)) 
 true                    false                      

# The conversion to DATE is successful, hence not an error
func.is_error(func.to_date('2024-03-17')), func.is_not_error(func.to_date('2024-03-17'))

 func.is_error(func.to_date('2024-03-17'))  func.is_not_error(func.to_date('2024-03-17')) 
 false                                      true                                          

SQL Syntax

IS_ERROR( <expr> )

Return Type

Returns true if the expression is an error, otherwise false.

SQL Examples

-- Indicates division by zero, hence an error

 is_error((1 / 0))  is_not_error((1 / 0)) 
 true               false                 

-- The conversion to DATE is successful, hence not an error
SELECT IS_ERROR('2024-03-17'::DATE), IS_NOT_ERROR('2024-03-17'::DATE);

 is_error('2024-03-17'::date)  is_not_error('2024-03-17'::date) 
 false                         true                             