Comparison Methods
These comparison methods are available in Analyze expressions.
Category | Expression | Structure | Example | Description |
General Usage | > | > | table.column > 23 | Greater Than |
General Usage | < | < | table.column < 23 | Less Than |
General Usage | >= | >= | table.column >= 23 | Greater than or equal to |
General Usage | <= | <= | table.column <= 23 | Less than or equal to |
General Usage | == | == | table.column == 23 | Equal to |
General Usage | != | != | table.column != 23 | Not Equal to |
General Usage | and_ | and_() | and_(table.a > 23, table.b == u'blue') Additional Examples | Creates an AND SQL condition |
General Usage | any_ | any_() | table.column.any(('red', 'blue', 'yellow')) | Applies the SQL ANY() condition to a column |
General Usage | between | between | table.column.between(23, 46) get_column(table, 'LAST_CHANGED_DATE').between({start_date}, {end_date}) | Applies the SQL BETWEEN condition |
General Usage | contains | contains | table.column.contains('mno') table.SOURCE_SYSTEM.contains('TEST') | Applies the SQL LIKE '%%' |
General Usage | endswith | endswith | table.column.endswith('xyz') table.Parent.endswith(':EBITX') table.PERIOD.endswith("01") | Applies the SQL LIKE '%%' |
General Usage | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | False, false, FALSE - Alias for Python False |
General Usage | ilike | ilike | table.column.ilike('%foobar%') | Applies the SQL ILIKE method |
General Usage | in_ | in_() | table.column.in_((1, 2, 3)) get_column(table, 'Source Country').in_(['CN','SG','BR']) table.MONTH.in_(['01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09']) | Test if values are with a tuple of values |
General Usage | is_ | is_ | table.column.is_(None) get_column(table, 'Min SafetyStock').is_(None) get_column(table, 'date_pod').is_(None) | Applies the SQL is the IS for things like IS NULL |
General Usage | isnot | isnot | table.column.isnot(None) | Applies the SQL is the IS for things like IS NOT NULL |
General Usage | like | like |'%foobar%')'%Adjustments%') | Applies the SQL LIKE method |
General Usage | not_ | not_() | not_(and_(table.a > 23, table.b == u'blue')) | Inverts the condition |
General Usage | notilike | notilike | table.column.notilike('%foobar%') | Applies the SQL NOT ILIKE method |
General Usage | notin | notin | table.column.notin((1, 2, 3)) table.LE.notin_(['12345','67890']) | Inverts the IN condition |
General Usage | notlike | notlike | table.column.notlike('%foobar%') | Applies the SQL NOT LIKE method |
General Usage | NULL | NULL | NULL | Null, null, NULL - Alias for Python None |
General Usage | or_ | or_() | or_(table.a > 23, table.b == u'blue') Additional Examples | Creates an OR SQL condition |
General Usage | startswith | startswith | table.column.startswith('abc') get_column(table, 'Zip Code').startswith('9') get_column(table1, 'GL Account').startswith('CORP') | Applies the SQL LIKE '%' |
General Usage | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | True, true, TRUE - Alias for Python True |
Math Expressions | + | + | + | 2+3=5 |
Math Expressions | – | – | - | 2–3=-1 |
Math Expressions | * | * | * | 2*3=6 |
Math Expressions | / | / | / | 4/2=2 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('%') | 5%4=1 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('^') | 2.0^3.0=8 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('!') | 5!=120 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('!!') | !!5=120 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('@') | @-5.0=5 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('&') | 91&15=11 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('#') | 17##5=20 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('~') | ~1=-2 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('<<') | 1<<4=16 |
Math Expressions | column.op | column.op(operator) | column.op('>>') | 8>>2=2 |