Notify Via Twitter

Send a direct message from PlaidCloud


Send a Twitter Direct Message (DM) from @plaidcloud.

Twitter Account

Specify the twitter account to receive the DM from @plaidcloud. This user must be following @plaidcloud to receive the message. It is allowable, although not required, to prefix the username with the at sign (@).


Enter the desired message. Analyze will not permit a value longer than 140 characters.

Please note that both Project Variables and Workflow Variables are available for use with this transform.


In this example, a DM is sent from @PlaidCloud to @tartansolutions. System variables are used in the message. The final message reads, Analyze Demo is running on #PlaidCloud.

Last modified November 27, 2023 at 12:56 PM EST: Restructured the file structure/a few changes (f6c58b8)