Import Steps

Import Archive

Import an archived project

Import CSV

Import Excel

Import worksheets from Excel files within PlaidCloud Document

Import External Database Tables

Import all or a subset of tables in an external database

Import Fixed Width

Import Fixed Width files

Import Google BigQuery

Import Google BigQuery files

Import Google Spreadsheet

Import specific worksheets from Google Spreadsheet files

Import HDF

Import HDF5 files from PlaidCloud Document

Import HTML

Import HTML table data from the internet

Import JSON

Import JSON text files from PlaidCloud Document

Import Project Table

Import table data from a different project

Import Quandl

Imports data sets from Quandl’s repository of millions of data sets


Import SAS table files from PlaidCloud Document

Import SPSS

Import SPSS sav and zsav files from PlaidCloud Document

Import SQL

Import data from a remote SQL database.

Import Stata

Import Stata files from PlaidCloud Document

Import XML

Import XML data as an XML file